This spring I will be running a number of games at both Havoc and Huzzah.  These are conventions held in Mass. and Maine in the spring.

Havoc – April 3-5 – Sutton Mass.

Huzzah – May 15-17 – Portland Maine

I plan on running a 40mm Scale AWI battle on both show’s Friday night.  My idea is to recapture the Toy soldier type games I used to run there in by gone years.  I shot a short video which I have linked below post here and have taken some pictures.  The game table isn’t quite done but I hope the video and pictures will stimulate some interest.

I will be using a combination of One Hour Wargames and the Perry Brothers “TravelBattle” for my rules.  Click on the link below to download the QRS.

>>> On To Philadelphia


Brandywine Creek Video

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