Colmar Pocket – Free Scenario for D-Day to Berlin
This scenario for D-Day to Berlin depicts The Colmar Pocket (French: Poche de Colmar; German: Brückenkopf Elsass) was the area held in central Alsace, France, by the German Nineteenth Army from November 1944 to February 1945, against the U.S. 6th Army Group (6th AG) during World War II. For more Information >>> You will need a copy of D-Day to Berlin to play Read more…
D-Day to Berlin: “Review” Clarifications by Russ Lockwood
In my last AAR (05/03/2021), I offered a first look at the WWII rules D-Day to Berlin (DDtB) by Chris Parker. On the plus side, I got most things right. On the minus side, I got a few things wrong. Chris set me and the record straight.
My Video Zoom Game Report and D-Day to Berlin Scenario Release
Association) held their second Virtual Huzzah game convention. This convention in the past has been held every spring about this time at the Double Tree Hotel in Portland Maine. With Covid-19 however this years was again canceled.