Russ Lockwood’s Wargame AARs

Seasons Greetings All:

We come to the end of another gaming year. I’m scooting this month’s AAR out a bit early so I can take care of end of year stuff, finish prepping for the holidays, and sort out who’s coming and going where, when, and why. And, of course, squeeze in a game or three and work on my own off-and-on wargaming projects.

Meanwhile, may you all have a wonderful holiday season and I hope to see you tableside in 2024!

Russ as the Lion of Stockton

Russ as the Lion of Stockton

The December AAR:

Kingmaker: 7 players, 7 heirs, but only 1 king

Eurogames: So Clover, Space Base, Lord of the Rings Co-op Game

Shermans and Sorcery: Bolt Action-ish

Renaissance: Field of Glory Poles vs Turks

News: Products and more

On My Mind: AI and Book Reviews

Bulge: Battalion per Base Playtest

New Year’s Toast

Book Reviews:

American Revolution 1775-1783: Atlas (RR 112)
The Rise of Persia: First Greco-Persian Wars
The Winter Campaign in Italy: Campaign 395
Revolutionary War Forts: New York
Carthaginian Armies of Punic Wars 264-146 BC
Great Britain: Low Countries 1744-1748 (RR116)
WWII Soviet Motor Gunboats: New Vanguard 324
P-38 Lightning vs Bf 109: Duel 131
The Soviet Infantryman on the Eastern Front
The German Infantryman on the Eastern Front
The Vistula-Oder Offensive
Hitler & Poland: Independence Led to War
German Field Artillery of WWII: NV325


Russ Lockwood

About Russ Lockwood >>>

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