New 14th Century Medieval and LOTR Orc and Rohan Miniature’s from Medbury Designs

This month sees a lot of new releases for you later Medieval collectors.  Most of these are Early 14th Century.  I have posted these in the Medieval English Categories.

Also released are a number of new Rohan – Dark Age sets.

Only a single LOTR fantasy set this month but it is a very cool set of Orc Scouts with Spears.


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Knighthood & The Middle Ages II

I also wanted to mention that I have resumed working on my big battle set of Medieval rules.  This game will be loosely built on my D-Day to Berlin game engine and again influenced by Peter Pig’s Rules For The Common Man series.  The big difference between D-Day to Berlin  and Knighthood will be the use of 12″ squares instead of 6″ squares.  I am really getting interested in all these LOTR miniatures that I am printing.  I am thinking of doing some fantasy armies up for these rules in 40mm.

Yes I know this would make my game doubly hard to market due to a square based game in 40mm.  But what the heck – I like it and I don’t write these to make money, I write them for the joy of creating.

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